In this article https://l6j.72f.myftpupload.com/2021/10/the-practical-use-of-behavioral-profiles-in-the-workplace/ we looked at the link between motivation, behavior and engagement.
So let’s look at the practical uses of it. We use behavioral data to not only select the best candidate for our client but also to ensure that it is the best employer for the candidate.
We don’t guess, we use data to inform our decisions and share that data with the client. I had a phone call earlier today from Amazon asking me to authorize my purchase for $79 on my Visa card. The trouble is I don’t have an Amazon account or a Visa card. The cooks really need to do better.
This article will give you a high level overview of what we do, it doesn’t replace the more traditional selection criteria, it adds to it, the more information that we have the more informed the decision to hire is.
If you go to our Case Studies page https://l6j.72f.myftpupload.com/case-studies/ you can also see where we have applied PI behavioral profiles to help the client in their decision making process.
If you’ve spoken to me, I’ve almost certainly quoted the Starbucks example to you. It goes like this, if you’re walking down the street, you go into Starbucks and appear with a cup of coffee. My 17 year old goes in to Starbucks for the free wi-fi. Outwardly the behavior is identical but the motivation behind that behavior is quite different. At a corporate level, understanding what motivates a person is key to getting somebody to engage in the behavior that you’re seeking, which is optimal on the job performance.
That was a mouthful.
Let’s look at the need for recognition in the workplace, it can be a bonus, or commission cheque or even a title with no added responsibility, all work to satisfy that need (typically highly extroverted types). I’m sure many of us have gone in to McDonald’s or any fast food restaurant and seen the “employee of the Month” mugshot on the wall and had a good laugh, or even seen that the made up job title of Harry is just an effort to appease him in the office for whatever reason.
Both can be highly effective at giving that person recognition if that is what motivates them. It’s not for you or me to decide it’s right or wrong.
Advanced uses of behavioral profiles
The beauty of having all of this behavioral data is that you can now use it in a variety of forms to further enhance the work environment.
Predictive Index use their data for their clients, much of which we use to help in onboarding and managing new employees.
- Want to get to know your new employee really quickly? We create relationship guides for the manager and new employee so both understand what engages the other person, how to communicate and how not to communicate.
- Have you got a management “style”? Great, use it to customize it with a management strategy guide for that new employee.
- Want to help the new person to develop? Look for the coaching guide in the onboarding pack.
- How does this new person fit in to the team? For that matter, what is the team meant ot achieve? I can even help there.
Drop me a note and go to https://l6j.72f.myftpupload.com/ to get an idea of some of the ways that we can help you to get to know, motivate and engage your new employee.