Gareth’s lazy post. Rather than write something myself I thought I’d just tell you to go read somebody else’s stuff.

Need resume help?

Go here. I’d save the hours of angst writing a resume and sit down with a resume writer and then tweak whatever they give me but then again, you saw my second word above, “lazy”. 


Their blog is indeed a great resource. Browse or dig in to specific articles. 

How to research a company and why

This was an article on Indeed’s blog but is well worth highlighting specifically. The great big irony of a job search is that both candidates and hiring mangers very often spend more time doing the research on a new tv than getting a job or an employee. Do your research and be more objective and selective. From a candidate’s perspective, you can afford to be more selective, it’s that economy. This page can help too 

Women in the workplace

Focussed both on the job search as well as in the workplace, this blog focusses on…………blast, I told you already!!!

The job search In fairness, everything on The Muse is always good, so why shouldn’t this be?


Not strictly for job seekers but some very insightful articles by industry leaders on leadership. Interesting read.

A bit basic but some real nuggets

You’ve got to dig around a bit and many articles written from the employer’s perspective, but keep looking, some really good stuff if you take the time.

But don’t forget to get your resume out the door too!