Just hired someone? Congrats! Now get them to stay.
Apparently labour laws in most of the world prevent you from actually chaining somebody to their desk, I can’t think why, it was good enough for the Ancient Greeks (not desks, big boats) and they were, like, the founders of civilization.
The 3 cornerstones of any job search
I spend way too much time reading blogs and articles on the job search, and recently I’ve spent way too much time writing some of that content myself. And everything seems to assume you just jump right in and off you go.
Decoding team personality profiles
Advances in psychometrics and talent analytics have unlocked new ways to measure team chemistry. Powerful assessments like The Predictive Index measure social traits and cognitive functions across four key dimensions.
Gaming the interview – using employers’ biases to your advantage
Femi Otitoju said ”if you have a brain, you have a bias”.
And we have a whole selection of flavours of bias to choose from. This article lists out 50 cognitive biases you can be aware of, but we can settle on around 10-12 as core culprits.
Decoding the job posting – what do they really want?
Between bots, AI-written resumes, and the sea of auto-apply options available on hiring websites, you’ve gotta’ know what to put on your resume to stand out.
The Practical Use of Behavioral profiles in the Workplace
So let’s look at the practical uses of it. We use behavioral data to not only select the best candidate for our client but also to ensure that it is the best employer for the candidate.
Getting an edge in the video interview – employers would do well to pay attention as well.
So just in case you haven’t heard, there’s this pandemic thing going around and that has, to a very large extent, altered the way that we recruit and select candidates.
Structured Interviews
If you’re one of the 26% of companies that, according to a Linkedin study in 2018, doesn’t use structured interviews then read on. And if you’re one of the other 74% that do, give yourself a pat on the back. Oh, and read on so I can feel good about myself writing this.
What goes into an effective onboarding program
In this previous blog post I looked at why you need to have an effective onboarding program in place. In a nutshell, it minimizes the risk of needing to talk to me and that can’t be a bad thing.
Effective onboarding to eliminate throwing a new employee overboard
We see it all the time, the new employee starts and they’re caught between the agency that has held their hand throughout the final stages of the process and the new employer who barely knows their contact co-ordinates.