As anybody who knows me well will tell you, this is a red letter day. I read a book. I’m even going to provide a book review. Adam Kahane’s “Collaborating with the Enemy” tackles a challenge we see frequently: how do we work effectively with people we….uhhh…don’t love? It’s a view on teamwork that […]
What we hope is in and what we hope is out for recruiting in 2025.
Shared from LinkedIn, here Thanks to for the inspiration! It’s the New Year, we’re all allowed to dream a bit!! I might add the following OUT: ❌ Painfully long interview processes where a series of interviewers get to ask the candidate the same question over……and over………and over.❌ AI in employee selection (there’s a […]
What an incredibly frustrating job market…..for everybody
The current recruiting market is “different” shall we say, it’s incredibly frustrating for everybody. People on the market for way too long, accusations of lowball offers, rescinded offers, you name it. I’m just not certain that we can put all of this at the feet of corporate greed. While I am sure that there are […]
Packed Cubicles, Empty Corner Office: Remote Work Is Increasingly a Right of the Rich Revisiting the topic. We all love simple solutions don’t we? Just look at the news. I’m neither a fan nor a detractor of working from home, I can see both sides; some people just love the face to face communication and it’s been shown that the office environment fosters innovation and creativity. With that […]
My mate the church warden, a story of employee engagement
I went out for a beer on Friday night with a good mate who’s the church warden at his local church.
6 minutes to create more productive teams
Anybody who has ever hired anybody knows the basic of good and bad hiring practices.
“I’d like to get her in for that 9th interview that we mentioned”
“I worry that the other people on his team won’t be able to pronounce his name”
“I’ve been recruiting for years, I can spot the right fit 2 minutes into an interview”
Just hired someone? Congrats! Now get them to stay.
Apparently labour laws in most of the world prevent you from actually chaining somebody to their desk, I can’t think why, it was good enough for the Ancient Greeks (not desks, big boats) and they were, like, the founders of civilization.
Struggling to keep the top talent? It’s not you. It’s not them either.
It’s your hiring process.
Your ATS
The problem with your ATS is that you either use it or you don’t.
Great, that’s insightful isn’t it?
Here to help.
You don’t use it.
I joke that the ATS is where candidates go to die. Many more seasoned agency recruiters know this in the literal sense.
“Hi, my name is Gareth, Bob sent his resume to us a few years ago and I was hoping to talk to hi about a role”. “I’m sorry, Bob died 4 years ago”. Cue pregnant pause…..
Feeling like your office has a revolving door? Fix it in 6 minutes.
I know, it’s funny and ridiculous but then again, it was only September 4th that the Federal Trade Commission banned non competes that locked people into crappy jobs, inhibited innovation, depressed wages and increased healthcare costs.
But other than that they were a great idea.
It’s a shame though, indentured servitude has always been great for the employee experience…..
7 Links for job seekers
Gareth’s lazy post. Rather than write something myself I thought I’d just tell you to go read somebody else’s stuff.