Only 42% of people want to get promoted to manager

Interesting read on MSNBC about the number of people who DON’T want to be managers here ( A full 42% of workers say that they would turn down a promotion. If, unlike me, you don’t have time to read the article the TL:DR, Coles Notes, high level, whatever; the reasons are; 🍁 People are already […]

So what is the true cost of a bad hire?

Dunno. According to the Society for Human Resource Management, which is as close as you get to unbiased reporting of this stuff, 30-40% of first year’s salary. But rather than ask what the number is, let’s look at it differently, and ask what makes up that number, starting with the obvious and then getting into […]

Let’s start prioritizing sales/soft skills a bit more over technical skills For those of us that invest a lot of time in sales and organizational behavior, an interesting read. I saw “Persuader” and that grabbed my attention as it’s a reference profile inside The Predictive Index. Digging into this great post by Katelyn Bourgoin 🧠it’s interesting to note some of the traits that she highlights. […]

How do you hire for culture fit and how important is it?

We’ve seen a lot of articles and research lately on hiring for culture fit and how it has come to the fore in importance. I wanted to put in my 2c. 🎯 It belongs down the list somewhere, not at the top of it. This should be self evident. You don’t want to hire somebody […]

Beyond the Paper Trail

Let’s turn this around a bit and start thinking about potential a bit more rather than the degree or the award winning resume. The old playbook is getting seriously old. Job descriptions that read like checklists, credentials that supposedly prove worth, resumes that flatten experience into bullet points (OK< guilty your honour). The future of […] As anybody who knows me well will tell you, this is a red letter day. I read a book. I’m even going to provide a book review. Adam Kahane’s “Collaborating with the Enemy” tackles a challenge we see frequently: how do we work effectively with people we….uhhh…don’t love? It’s a view on teamwork that […]

What we hope is in and what we hope is out for recruiting in 2025.

Shared from LinkedIn, here Thanks to for the inspiration! It’s the New Year, we’re all allowed to dream a bit!! I might add the following OUT: ❌ Painfully long interview processes where a series of interviewers get to ask the candidate the same question over……and over………and over.❌ AI in employee selection (there’s a […]

What an incredibly frustrating job market…..for everybody

The current recruiting market is “different” shall we say, it’s incredibly frustrating for everybody. People on the market for way too long, accusations of lowball offers, rescinded offers, you name it. I’m just not certain that we can put all of this at the feet of corporate greed. While I am sure that there are […]

Packed Cubicles, Empty Corner Office: Remote Work Is Increasingly a Right of the Rich Revisiting the topic. We all love simple solutions don’t we? Just look at the news. I’m neither a fan nor a detractor of working from home, I can see both sides; some people just love the face to face communication and it’s been shown that the office environment fosters innovation and creativity. With that […]